** concern [#zd16ebdb]

'''Paul was ''concerned'' about the idleness of a few Christians.''' 

-- It's not my concern. 構いませんよ。
-- It's of no concern to me. そんなこと私の知ったことではない。
-- Thank you for your concern. お気遣い[ご心配]いただきありがとうございます。
-- Those matters don't concern me. それらの問題は私には関係ない。

** direct [#c69c838a]

'''He prayed that the Lord would ''direct'' their hearts into God's love and teach them Christ's perseverance.'''

- 【形-1】直接の、【形-2】まっすぐな、【形-3】率直な、遠慮のない、単刀直入の
-- I have to be direct with you. はっきり言おう。
-- Let me be direct. 率直に言わせていただきます。
-- The boy directed me to the station. その少年は私に駅への道を教えてくれた。

** rest on  [#y10e2430]

Our salvation does not ''rest on'' our feeble faith or faithfulness. &br;
It ''rests on'' the love and power and grace of God who called us through his gospel.
'''Our salvation does not ''rest on'' our feeble faith or faithfulness.''' &br;
'''It ''rests on'' the love and power and grace of God who called us through his gospel.'''

- 【句動-1】~に基礎を置く、基礎は~にある、~に基づく
-- His reputation rests solidly on his theatrical work. &br;彼の評判はその劇場での演技に確固とした基礎を置いている。
-- You can't rest on your grades only, you must have experience as well. &br;成績だけに頼っていてはいけないよ、経験も積まなくては。

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