In 3:1 Peter says, "This now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking." Wholesome thinking is disciplined thinking, based on the word of God.

In his first letter, Peter encourages Christians who have been scattered by persecution. In this second letter he writes to give them directions for dealing with enemies within the church. God has given us all we need to live as his people (1:3). He has given us the Bible. We do not need any other authority. In the Bible are God's great and wonderful promises. The believer needs to hold God's promise in his heart, so Peter writes to remind us of God's promises and to remind us of the truth which we already know.

Peter wrote this letter with a sense of urgency, for he wrote just before he died a martyr's death at the hands of Nero. He wanted his sheep to be firmly established in the truth, so that they could stand even after his death. He warns of God's certain judgment on the ungodly, and assures us of the Lord's return. In the light of these things, we must live faithful lives.

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Last-modified: 2020-12-26 (土) 22:07:23